Located in the culturally and historically rich university city of Guanajuato, the Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas (CIMAT) is a publicly funded center that is part of the network overseen by Mexico’s National Secretary for Science, Technology and Innovation (SECIHTI). Founded in 1980, CIMAT is committed to the advancement, dissemination, and application of specialized knowledge in mathematics, statistics, and computer science. CIMAT combines a strong emphasis on scientific research with a commitment to the education and training of highly skilled human resources, the enhancement of mathematical competencies within society, and the addressing of problems where mathematical solutions can significantly contribute to scientific and technological development. RESEARCH ACTIVITIES | At CIMAT, there are currently about 118 researchers working (84 in Guanajuato). MATHEMATICS (PURE & APPLIED) MATHEMATICS Commutative Algebra & Algebraic Geometry Analysis Numerical Analysis Biomathematics Partial Differential Equations Differential Geometry Optimization & Game Theory Inverse Problems & Uncertainty Quantification Dynamical Systems Topology PROBABILITY & STATISTICS Probability Theory Theoretical Statistics Stochastic Modeling & Inference in Science, Industry and Technology Probability & Statistical Inference for Data Science Finance and Risk Analysis COMPUTER SCIENCE
Signal Processing & Computer Vision Modeling, Optimization & Parallel Computing Robotics & Intelligent Systems Machine Learning & Data Analysis Software Engineering (Zacatecas) | STUDENT LIFE AT CIMAT | CIMAT Students are immersed in an atmosphere of cultural and scientific diversity, which is the hallmark of the center. The countries of origin of our graduate students enhance the international nature of our community, with students from Cambodia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Germany, Guatemala, Honduras, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, Spain and the US. Many of the students who graduate from the undergraduate studies offered jointly by CIMAT and the University of Guanajuato have gone on to pursue their graduate studies and doctorates, or to find work at institutions all over the planet. To see their names, use the map's zoom function to get a closer look and click on the locations shown on the map below (red for graduate studies and blue for doctorates and/or employment) or cast an eye over the list at the foot of the page. | ACADEMIC EVENTS | Over the years, CIMAT has enhanced its academic environment through the organization of over twenty-five international seminars per year for students and researchers, as well as some forty conferences, workshops and research schools.   Click here to see some of our upcoming events https://www.cimat.mx/eventos/ Some of our past events: | SCIENCE OUTREACH | One of CIMAT’s goals is to increase the skills, understanding and interest in the work of mathematics among the general public. Our students participate in these activities and contribute to their communities while also enriching their own learning experience. These activities include the organization of scientific workshops for middle and high school students in addition to lectures and workshops open to the general public. Examples of CIMAT outreach workshops: | APPLIED RESEARCH PROJECTS AND CONSULTING SERVICES | A central mission of CIMAT is to strengthen the public, private and social sectors by means of research projects involving applied research and technological and consulting services, as well as offering training programs and initiatives for the dissemination of mathematical knowledge. For this reason, CIMAT collaborates on projects of various types with companies, institutions and financial actors in the public, private and academic sectors. The type of work these projects involve include big data, business intelligence, value chain optimization, biomedicine and biostatistics, reliability, modeling and applied industrial mathematics. In these projects, we apply knowledge, techniques and tools that have brought significant strategic, economic, national and even international benefits. - Model for detection of flu outbreaks based on records of acute respiratory diseases.
- Research and development of mathematics teaching resources for interactive whiteboards.
- System for digitizing, manipulation and classification of rock carvings at the Plazuelas-Guanajuato archaeological site to facilitate their study and interpretation.
- Development of a training program in the Six Sigma methodology for the Aguascalientes industrial sector.
- Advanced Specialty Laboratory for Statistical Engineering for Development and Innovation in the Automotive and Auto-Parts Industry in the State of Aguascalientes.
- Enhancement of the Scientific and Technological Infrastructure of the PIIT Monterrey Mathematics Research Center in the State of Nuevo León.
- Predictive model of knowledge- and economic-based economic growth.
- Quantification of the severity of cranial dysmorphologies in infant craniosynostosis sufferers based on computerized tomography using Bayesian probabilistic models.
- Methods for optimization of image processing and analysis.
- Multidimensional digital signal analysis.
- Algorithms for Estimation of Distribution for Optimization.
- Air injection into oil deposits as an enhanced recovery system.
- 3D seismic attributes for characterization of oil deposits supported by well information and physical modeling of rocks.
- New static and dynamic characterization methodologies and tools considering fractal properties of oil deposits.
To find out more, go to: https://www.cimat.mx/servicios-tecnologicos/ | CIMAT SUCCESS STORIES | A brief selection of projects made possible by the expertise of CIMAT mathematicians.  | Stress Analysis of the Paxtle Tunnel The Paxtle tunnel was a project for the Guanajuato State Ministry of Public Works. The tunnel is located on the Silao-San Felipe highway in Guanajuato, where, prior to its construction, the road links had been circuitous and generally poor. The Paxtle Tunnel had to be dug through a hill that needed to have its structural integrity carefully verified before any construction could be allowed to go foward. Therefore, the state government reached out to CIMAT, which proceeded to coordinate an interdisciplinary group of the state's finest mathematicians, geologists and mining engineers in carrying out a painstaking feasibility analysis and risk assessment, developing a variety of alternative construction approaches based on the application of the finite element method for stress analysis. |  | Methodological Innovation and Optimization To date CIMAT has worked on nine projects with the Casa Sauza tequila distillery, providing consultation services on statistics, mathematics and software development for solving problems in agribusiness. These projects won third place in the National Award for Technological Innovation in 2002 from The Mexican Association of Directors of Applied Research and Technological Development (ADIAT). Thanks to the work of Casa Sauza and CIMAT, many advances have been made in their business practices, including a reduction in growth cycles, monitoring and inventory of agave production within known margins of error, introduction of innovative practices and the application of new knowledge to gain a competitive advantage. |  | Developing Simulators for the Implementation Mexico's New Criminal Justice System CIMAT developed software for the state judicial system which uses a probabilistic model to predict the flow and types of crimes likely to be seen in courts and judicial tribunals specializing in oral proceedings. The model was implemented in the new criminal justice system which came into force in 2012. In addition, the model also helps estimate the duration of each trial and what resources will be required for the proceedings. Leading to savings of 60 million pesos in the state's judicial system, it received the Award for Judicial Excellence and Innovation in 2010 at the sixth national assembly of the Mexican Association of Law Enforcers (AMIJ). |  | Applied Mathematics for the Mexican Avocado-Growing Industry The Corporación Industrial Uruapan, a Mexican company dedicated to the development and design of fruit packing and classification, working in conjunction with the avocado-growing industry, contacted CIMAT with the idea of finding a method of measuring the dry mass of avocados that would not destroy the samples. The greater part of Mexican avocado production is exported to the United States, whose customs inspections require analysis of the fruit's dry mass. If the percentage of dry mass is below 25 percent, the shipment is automatically rejected, since a high percentage of water signifies poor-quality avocados. The traditional method for measuring dry mass involves opening the product, weighing it, dehydrating it and weighing it again. However, the method developed by CIMAT employing near-infrared spectroscopy penetrates the fruit’s skin, measures the light reflected back, which depends on the fruit’s composition, and, based on the measurement data, produces a chart that shows the amount of water in the avocado. Thanks to this model of acquisition and interpretation of data designed by CIMAT, it is now possible to implement an industrial solution. |
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